Topsoil is the layer of soil that prevails on the surface of the earth,
typically up to 8 inches or more depending on conditions. It is ripe
with microorganisms, organic matter and nutrients that feed plants.
Most plants do not extend their roots lower than the layer of topsoil,
for it is there that they derive their nutrition. Topsoil contains 13
essential nutrients to feed plants. They dissolve in water and are
absorbed by plants’ roots.
What Topsoil is Made of?
These 13 nutrients certainly make up a part of the composition of
topsoil, but there are many other elements to it. Good topsoil
contains an abundance of broken down organic matter. As plants,
vegetables and anything else organic dies, it slowly decays, and the
nutrients are returned to the topsoil from where it came. Subsoil or
the layer directly below topsoil, consists of hard-packed dirt and
clay. It is largely unsuitable for anything organic except for large
tree roots. Other elements of topsoil include sand, manure of
various types and very small pieces of rock and stone. Its
composition varies based on location, for topsoil is not the same
Organic matter, microorganisms, nutrients, sand, manure, rock and
clay can all be detected in topsoil as can water, one of its most
diffuse yet important elements.